Nobody cares about coaching [ICF blog]

For last decade there is a lot written and said about coaching. Just search the word 'coaching' in Google and you will find dozens of pages of links. You can find conferences, coaching courses, books and articles, blogs and websites. You can see details of accreditation, schools and coaching models, different definitions, techniques, and samples of coaching session.

Many people forget that except coaches (and coaching trainers) no one cares about coaching. The vast majority of individual consumers care about get what they desired or eliminate what they do not want in their lives. Jeffrey J. Fox, author of sales and marketing books, underlines that "the customer cares only about himself and his problem." He cares about the result.

Probably every coach met with utter ignorance and lack of understanding the coaching approach by the individual client. He comes to a coach just because he believes, often not too much, that he can improve his situation.

Aware client says: I want to manage people better, I want to improve my performance, I want to plan my career, I want to make the best decision, I need to regain the desire and the power to act, I need motivation and regular maintenance of concentration, I want to rebuild relationships in the family, I want to stop addiction, I want to lose weight, I want to go on a trip around the world, I want to build my own business and avoid common mistakes, etc.

Coaching is a way of working with a person or a team, as well as consulting, mentoring, training and psychotherapy. Each of these approaches has its own methods and the techniques and principles how to use them. Much of the basic concepts and techniques are very similar to most approaches, that is why the line between coaching and other ways of working is so thin.

Margaret Zukowska advises to coaches to avoid in marketing language used in coaching education. The statements follow the customer, dancing with the client, powerful questions, deep relationship, coach accreditation, are understandable only, often not entirely, by the initiated.

The situation is slightly better in business organizations. International companies know coaching, which is used in the West for decades. HR staff learn in coaching schools and managers use coaching style in management. Selecting external coaches they often pay attention to its certification.

However, as with individual clients, organizations depend on the final result. Especially when HR is evaluated for the selection of an appropriate professional.

Finally it is not important if it will be called coaching, follow-up, supporting the implementation of skills or individual training. At the end customer does not care coaching, he cares about the result.


Article posted by International Coach Federation blog

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